3 practical exercises to alleviate your stress now and get you back to enjoying your life again
Posted: February 8, 2019
Does it feel like balancing life and work is getting more challenging. You find yourself up at night worrying about tomorrow. Does it feel as though you are tense and irritable? A lot of people feel stressed due to the long hours at work and commuting.
Do you find yourself getting home to just sit in front of the TV with no energy to get the rest of the things you need to get done. Are you feeling defeated and not sure how to start feeling better. A lot of people are feeling high levels of stress due to the high demands of our jobs and family obligations.
We all experience stress at one time or another but when not managed it can become chronic and can affect your health. When stress becomes chronic it can cause symptoms such as headaches, poor sleep, heart palpitations, high blood pressure and skin rashes.
Physical exercise has proven to decrease stress and can help health problems that include high blood pressure, poor sleep, anxiety, depression and improve your mood.
It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to five times a week but as little as 10 minutes may help decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. To feel the long-term benefits of exercise consistency is key.
How to get started
- Start small and build up to the 30 minutes three to four times a week. If you feel 10 minutes is what you can do, do it and continue to add each day to build up to 30 minutes.
- Find something that you enjoy. Make a list of physical activities that you enjoy and schedule one each day to get you moving.
- Barriers. Don’t allow yourself to make it a chore otherwise you will self-sabotage and not do it at all. Don’t beat yourself up if you have something come up that prevents you from exercising and just get back on track. Be consistent.
- Get support. If you are more likely to meet your goal with the support of someone else ask a friend to work out with you.