8 ways to take care of yourself this weekend.

This week might have been full of demanding work and family tasks leading you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Although we would love to meet all of our expectations full of energy and motivation truthfully it can lead us on a cycle of avoiding our physical and mental health to meet the demands of everything else. You don’t have to be everything for everyone and it is okay to say no to others when you are beginning to feel depleted.  You may have been noticing that you are drinking more coffee in the morning and staying up late to finish everything and unable to care for yourself in the process? You might feel like you need to keep going. However, it is crucial that you take the time to care for yourself in order to refuel. The best way to refuel your mind and body is to commit to taking care of yourself. I have put together a list of self-care ideas for you to try this weekend:
  1. Unplug: Turn off your phone, computer, and tv. Give yourself an hour of just being unplugged. With technology we are so used to being consumed by the need to find out what everyone is doing that we often lose ourselves to mindlessly in a task. What if you allowed yourself to just focus on the moment that you are in right now, allowing yourself to soak in the beauty that surrounds you. Avoid getting stuck in the past and future as they both take away the present that you are living in now. 
  2. Get outdoors: Take a walk outside and be curious of what surrounds you. Allow yourself to be like a child again filled with curiosity and explore all that surrounds you. When you use all of your senses you are able to focus on the present. What are you seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. 
  3. Do nothing: Watch your favorite show, or sit outside and watch nature around you. Avoid any expectations of your time and allow yourself to just be. 
  4. Sit in the sunshine and sip a cold drink: Enjoy watching people or cars go by, skim through a magazine, or just close your eyes allowing the sun to soak in and warm your body. 
  5. Bake your favorite dessert and mindfully eat it: Enjoy preparing and take additional time to enjoy savoring every bite of your favorite dessert. Take the time to smell the dessert before taking a bite of it. What does it feel like in your mouth and what are you feeling when you take your first bite. Be aware of your body and appreciate  how satisfying it is. 
  6. Look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a compliment: Be your own best friend and allow yourself to notice the greatness in you. This is one that many people struggle to do and often really enjoy it once they get past the uncomfortable sensations that come up for them. I often find that most people care very much about others, yet they can be so hard and critical of themselves. Isn’t it time you be your own best friend and give yourself the same support you give to others?
  7. Connect with a friend/family member: Just hand out or call to talk and catch up with each other. Texting is so common that sometime we forget to take the time. Take some time to make that call or this weekend. Don’t limit yourself with time constraints just enjoy the interaction and conversation with this person. Connection with others in both good and bad times help to strengthen trust and invites the other to do the same. 
  8. Have a good belly laugh: Watch a funny youtube video, a comedian or a good comedy to make sure you enjoy a good belly laugh today. When was the last time you had a good laugh? Laughter is powerful and has many benefits to your health. Laughter relaxes the whole body and triggers the release of endorphins, which are the natural feel-good chemicals. Laughter can also help to ease stress, anxiety, tension and strengthens resiliency. 
Although it can be hard to put things aside is essential to care for yourself in order to recharge and be the best version of yourself. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are just as important as everyone else! For a free consultation call 888-856-9138 or email rbynum@reneebynumlmft.com