The 3 A’s of Mindful Living 

Being mindful means being in the moment without judgement as a impartial observer. It is the ability to stay present without getting stuck in thought patterns that sidetrack you. It’s the ability to be in a heightened state of sensory awareness allowing you to see things in a more conscious and clear way. Mindfulness is an increased awareness of ourselves and others. It’s about allowing ourselves curiosity to observe our life as it is happening. It is about finding and appreciating who we are right now. The following are three tips to increase mindful living. 1. Appreciation: Isn’t it time to stop and smell the flowers? Take some time to notice all the things in your daily life that you are grateful to have. So much of our thoughts are in the past and future that they consume the present moment and rob us of the present moment. Allowing yourself to acknowledge all the people, places, and things around us that we have in our daily life can increase our feelings of gratitude. 2. Acceptance: Accepting people and life as it is will allow you to avoid unnecessary suffering. We do not have the power to change anyone but ourselves and when we try we will make ourselves miserable for something that is out of our control. Acceptance allows us to just be with others in a way that puts aside expectations and are more at peace with them. If we are always trying to change someone else are we really in the present moment with them or stuck in our own head. Feel the moment and allow to enjoy the time you are spending with the other person whether it be a family member, friend or co-worker. 3. Actions: These simple actions can help you to be more mindful during your day. - Look at yourself in the mirror: Observe how your facial expressions are being expressed. Allow yourself to observe your facial expressions by smiling, frowning, and boredom. This will help you to adjust your expressions when you interact with others. -Eating mindfully: Focus on every bite you chew on when you are eating. Put down all those electronics and allow yourself to enjoy eat bite of food that is providing your body with its daily nutrients. This will allow you to focus on savoring each bite and appreciating it. -Get a good belly laugh: Laughing allows you to release endorphins and brings energy and oxygen to your body. Allow yourself to loosen up and have a good laugh by watching a comedy, having a talk with a friend or reminiscing with a family member. Laughing is a great and fun way to stay present in the moment and who doesn’t like a good laugh! -Write a journal: Research has shown both emotional and physical benefits to journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal allows you to express them and can help to decrease your worry and low mood. Writing allows you to express your feelings in a way that allows for clarification of your feelings and yourself on a deeper level.   For a free consultation call 888-856-9138 or email